retirement plan live Summer 2024

Can we afford our lifestyle in retirement?

This event has now passed. You can view the replay on our website.

Retirement Plan Live, our most popular podcast series, walks a real listener through our Agile Retirement Planning process, granting a behind-the-scenes view usually limited to our clients.

We’re excited to walk this journey with Judy and Mike! Judy, an attorney, and Mike, a public school teacher, would retire today if they could. Judy just isn’t sure - can they really afford the lifestyle they want in retirement? With concerns like caring for Judy’s aging father, visiting family regularly in South Korea, and Mike’s lack of eligibility for Social Security, Judy is worried she’ll never be brave enough to retire.


July 8, 2024
7:00pm Central Time

During our one-hour webinar, we’ll walk Judy and Mike through their plan and determine whether their hoped-for retirement can become a reality. You will:

  • Hear real-world conversations Roger would have with a client.
  • Watch how each phase and goal of retirement is clearly defined.
  • Learn creative levers you can pull to help you achieve your ideal retirement.
  • Have the chance to ask questions in real time.

If you want to learn more about our volunteers and their story before our live event, listen to the Retirement Answer Man podcast each week in June. (Listening to the podcast is not required to attend the live RPL event).

Register now!

Hosted by Roger Whitney, CFP®

Roger Whitney is on a mission to change the way people think about retirement. That’s why he started The Retirement Answer Man® show - America's top rated retirement podcast - now with over 3 million downloads. It's also the reason he built Rock Retirement Club, the #1 online community for planning and rocking retirement.

He has been a CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ professional for more than 20 years, and uses his credentials (he's a CFP® certificant, and has his CIMA®, CPWA®, and RMA) and every channel possible to help people live well today without sacrificing tomorrow.

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